The score was 11-13 and Georgetown was winning.
Francis high scored again.
One more point for Georgetown and they would win
Stanley got the ball and threw it for a pass to Mike.
Mike was tripped by one of the Francis high players and sprained his ankle.
There was 15 seconds left on the clock.
Bobby was subbed in and the crowd broke out in joyous shouting.
Bobby walked up to the free-throw line and the room went silent.
He quickly aimed and took his first shot.
He missed and Stanley said "Don't worry, you'll make the next one Bobby".
Bobby was frustrated because of his first shot, he aimed and violently threw the ball at the hoop.
The ball bounced off the backboard and was caught by a Francis high player.
The Francis high player made it to the other hoop and scored just as time ran out.
The game was over and Georgetown lost.
The climax was similar because the climax was when they got mad