Monday, December 12, 2011

The Story of May I. Takorder

Author's Note: we chose a character and a setting from a hat then wrote a story using both.

My name is May, May I. Takorder. I have always dreamed about being a starting quarter back for the Green Bay Packers. I got as close to the field as I could, but with my range of skill, the closest place I could get a job was as a waitress at the diner not too far from Lambeau field.

"Good morning Green Bay, This is Todd" CLICK...

May turned off her alarm. Lazily she got out of bed,  and got ready for work. Every day, May drives past Lambeau field, and grins, because she knows that anything can happen. And every day, she cheats death, as she realizes she's driving on the wrong side of the street. Once at work, she checks in and starts taking orders.

"Hello, my name is May I. Takorder and I will be serving you today. What'll you be havin'?"
" May I have a turkey sub." asked the strangely familiar man
"Sure thing" May responded as she walked back to the kitchen to get one for him.
"HEY, HEADS UP!" she yelled as she threw the sandwich across the room
"Huh?!?!?!?" said the strangely familiar man

Sir… Sir... Are you alright. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hit you in the face with the sandwich.

"That’s quite an arm you got there. Hey, I want to hire you as a quarter back!" the strangely familiar man said
"REALLY!?!?!?" May Asked

May went with the man. May Got in the back of the limo with him and they watched "Justin Beaver: I Sometimes Say Never" on the way to the destination.
"Were here." said the driver in an Australian accent
"But… This is the bank?"May noticed
"Yes, and quarter back is what we call the person at the withdrawal desk" the strangely familiar man said

Suddenly May realized where she remembers him from, he is the owner of the bank she goes to.

"Oh, you're the owner of the bank I go to!" May said
"You're quite right." replied the driver with an Italian accent
"didn't you just have an Australian accent?" May asks
"Um… no?" The driver responds in a Russian accent
"Ok?" May said
"If you don't mind I'm going to get some lunch." said the driver with an Irish accent

May took the job as a "quarter back" and lived happily ever after… well she didn't live too happily, so let's just say she lived.

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