Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ABCs of Cole Matthews

Author's Note: This is a creative piece based off of Touching Spirit Bear. I couldn't think of anything for X, Y, or Z.

Anger - Cole's biggest issue
Bruises - Peter's beating
Carving - Carving the totem pole
Death - Cole almost died
Edwin - Edwin's wise and clever teachings
Father - Cole's abusive father
Garvey - Garvey's assistance
Healing - The healing that took place on the island
Island - The island that peter was sent to
Jail - Where Cole was going to be sent
Knife - The knife used to carve the totem
Lessons - The lessons Cole learned
Mother - Coles alcoholic mother
Night - The cold wet nights Cole spent in the tent
Overwhelming - the overwhelming blows from the spirit bear
Peter - Peter's forgiveness
Quiet - The quiet nights alone
Rock - The ancestor rock
Spirit Bear - The gruesome mauling
Thunder - the thunder storm that knocked over the tree
Under shirt - the under shirt Cole used to dry off
Visit - Edwin's visit
Water - Cole's morning soaks

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